Information on the supply situation – Codam S.A.


Information on the supply situation

We contact you to inform about our supply possibilities and general situation regarding the new foreign trade regulations and SIRA Import authorizations.

After more than 50 years and having gone through hyperinflation, confiscation of deposits, corralito, etc etc, we are facing a new challenge regarding the clamps on imports imposed with the new SIRA regime.

Unlike the SIMI, which had a quota and we could plan the purchases, at this time and for the first time in the Company’s history we cannot know when and how we will be able to import. With the aggravating circumstance that most of our products are commodities with daily fluctuations in their prices, which makes it impossible to request an import at a certain price since when it is authorized it will most likely have changed.

In addition, it is impossible to obtain financing from suppliers since commodities are purchased in cash in international markets and it is difficult for Argentina and Codam in particular to change international uses and customs.

For all of the above and taking into account that the Secretary of Commerce has not been authorizing imports for some time, for the first time in history, we began to have breaks in our safety stocks for some items.

We regret the situation we are going through, but we want to inform you, since it leads us to not be able to meet our customers in the way we usually do, preventing us from maintaining our commitment to “permanent stock”. We are working to resolve this situation beyond our control with the corresponding cameras and we hope to have good news as soon as possible.

Regards carefully,
Codam S.A.