Zamak & Nickel – Codam S.A.


Zamak & Nickel


Metals and raw materials of the highest quality and purity.

ZAMAK Zn 95%
Alloy zinc, aluminum, magnesium and copper.
Available in ingots of 7 to 10 kg.
Packaging in packages of 1200 kg.

Nickel Ni 99%
The widest range of formats and sizes:
Nickel Crowns
Nickel D Crowns
Nickel Pellets
Nickel Discs
Nickel Electrolítico Ánodos
Nickel Electrolítico 2″x 2″ y 4″ x 4″

CODAM is the region’s leader in products and supplies.

Visit and know our wide variety of products in permanent stock.

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