NEW! Pure tin in anodes – Codam S.A.


NEW! Pure tin in anodes

Pure tin in anodes

Bar with holes for hanging.

Also ask for special sizes and formats upon request.

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Pure tin in anodes

1.5 cm and 2 cm thick anodes
(5.5 – 6 Kg. And 8.5 – 9 Kg).
Measurements: Consult.
Origin: Brazil – Peru.
Codam S.A. offers the widest assortment of formats and sizes in non-ferrous metals.

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Minimize anode waste by using the highest purity Nickel.


Surtido de Formatos y tamaños
Improve the cost-benefit relationship with products of the highest quality and purity Ni 99.98%.
Nickel Crowns
Nickel D Crowns
Nickel Pellets
Nickel Discs
Electrolytic Nickel Anodes (various measure)
Electrolytic Nickel 2×2 4×4

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Configuración electrónica del Cobalto.
El Cobalto es un elemento químico. Su número atómico es 27 y su símbolo Co. Se encuentra situado en el grupo 9 de la tabla periódica de los elementos. Se trata de un…

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